
An innovative agency of entrepreneurs and marketing & digital professionals.

WMIND srl is an innovative agency born from the profitable experience of entrepreneurs and professionals in the commercial and communication sector who have finalized a working method based on their business successes. Digital innovation and artificial intelligence are added values ​​in a marketing strategy and business organization.

A proven experience in the creation of e-commerce on commercial niches related to the automotive and food world and at the same time the design and subsequent expansion of information web portals for tourist destinations (such as the corporate project) with organic traffic on the order of tens of thousands of unique monthly users, the organizational and coordination capacity of communication campaigns on events with a wide territorial scope and thousands of participants, the innate inclination to innovative commercial and corporate strategies tested with partners from various sectors business consulting, trade and public administration. These are the steps and the relevant references put in place to enhance the company know-how.

The natural vocation for communication, especially that linked to technological development, big data and marketing, and continuous training always of a high quality level, combined with a lean and efficient vision of the working method thanks to the collaboration with excellent professionals , make the WMIND corporate project the starting point for all those looking for a new way of doing marketing, smarter and oriented towards digital innovation.